“Education before Erection”

Pardon me if my title is too direct for some of you but honestly there was no other way to put it.

Beginning further, the topic of sex is considered taboo in a country like Pakistan as well as throughout the whole subcontinent. Why you must ask? I don’t quite know myself. Considering it’s a natural act performed by everyone everywhere around the globe whose outcome are none other but us human beings. Then what is so inappropriate about it that we can’t discuss it openly?
Why is it okay to do it but not talk about?
Why is it okay to see it but not okay to have any questions about it?
Why is it okay to share it via internet but not okay to receive proper education about it?

In this blog post I’m not here to discuss about sex education specifically but education as a whole. Let’s start by keeping it simple. Having intercourse means having kids. Having kids means taking up the responsibility to raise a part of the future generation. Capiche? Well how do you expect to raise and educate a generation when you yourself are not educated and raised properly? And how were your parents supposed to raise and educate you properly when they themselves were not raised and educated properly. And just like that this goes on and on and on… way back. Why are so many children homeless and begging on streets? Why are so many kids depressed and suicidal? Why are so many mothers going into post-natal depression? Why do so many fathers feel their only job is to earn money? All of this is due to the lack of education and upbringing which has been going on for a long time now and has starting to seem normal. But sadly, it isn’t.

No matter how uneducated a person maybe they still are educated enough to know how to make babies. And once they’re into the world then what? Lack of attention, mental stress, depression, anxiety, poverty, high expectations, imbalance and finally leading to them being adults and repeating the same cycle over again. (SIGHS…)

1. To the in-laws who force their children to have kids, let them decide since they are adults which was probably the reason why you decided to get them married no? STAY OUT OF IT!

2. To the couple who feel it’s an obligation to get pregnant the very next day of your Walima. No, it’s not. Chill. Being pregnant is a big responsibility since you’re contributing to the future generation and if you want your contribution to be worthy and mentally happy give it a thought and take your time. Rushing into it is just going to leave you both unprepared and then the poor thing unprepared for the rest of its life. Okay?

3. To the men who won’t stop till they drop (have a son). Go f*ck yourselves! (that was meant seriously.) Ain’t your girls fault you ain’t got no Y chromosomes. So yeah give her a break and go actually f*ck yourselves. You’ll probably get lucky this time.

4. To all the mothers who get pressurized into having kids and then go into depression. It’s going to be your kid so whether or not you want it, it should only be your and your man’s choice. No one else’s. And if your husband isn’t complying then find a sensible way to make him understand. If that doesn’t work either, then you married a douche-bag and need to get rid of him before he starts taking decisions for your life and your body! It’s never late for anyone.

5. To all the new kids in the scene. Firstly, aren’t there more important things you should be doing right now like take piano lessons?? Anyways always remember “Educate before you Ejaculate” (inside a condom). Thankskbye!

6. To all the humans out there, please be a hundred percent sure you want kids before having them because once you do there is no choice of backing out. You have to go through with it till the end. They are the future of this planet. Don’t take them for granted. Because there are a lot of kids out there who deserve homes but don’t have one. Act maturely. Don’t let your “accidents” ruin the future for yourself and for them. Sex isn’t a joke.

[This article was solely based on personal observations and experiences not targeting any specific gender or group. So please read if you want to and ignore if you want to. Agree or Disagree. As for criticism there’s no cure for that yet! Also, I do not own the copyrights of the images used.]


Firstly, let’s be honest.
I don’t drive and neither have I learned yet. But I make up the 70% of women in Pakistan who like me, have yet to learn. As for the other 30% well, I salute them for their confidence and bravery. (Because well as we all know Pakistani traffic can get messy at times not to mention the barely there, traffic rules.)
Wait, did I just say confidence?
No sorry, I take that back. Because see, that’s where the problem lies. And that is the whole purpose of my article.

The need to be able to drive is for one’s own ease. So that you’re independent enough to transport from one place to another. Not relying on anyone but with your own free will. So that makes it a right, right? (pun intended)
Well men and women in Pakistan are given this right and both make full use of it. Unlike some countries like Saudi Arabia where women are deprived of it.

Well my question is, why is it that we women are given this right but are not confident about it?
We own the road as much as they(men) do.
We’ve earned our license just as they did then why are we not confident about our driving?

Why do we let them boss us around on the road?
Because we’re women?

Why do we allow the drivers of the opposite sex to give us those nasty looks when we stop at a signal?
Because we’re following traffic rules as per the oath we take when earning a license?
(But what would they know since majority of them don’t even have one.)

Why do we allow them to mouth out curses and use foul language for when we drive by them, while they’re stuck at a signal?
Because they’re to weak to bear seeing us women go ahead of them?

Why allow them to honk at you if you’re in front of them and they’re “god forbid” behind?
Because women are supposed to be a step behind men as per their stone age teachings?

Why is that when a woman makes a traffic mistake the gender is blamed but when a man does, it’s just a “mistake” and let it go with throwing a few rupees?
Because we’re women?

Why are they allowed to snarl and laugh every time they see a woman behind the wheel as if its something so unusual and hilarious?
Because we’re women?

So pardon us if we’re too busy following the rules to stay safe and are not “bad-ass” like you if that’s what you call it.
Sorry if our driving is too slow for you because as I mentioned before, Safety First. Yes, even before your ego.
Excuse us if we could care less for bribery and would rather solve an issue legally and the civilised way.
Sorry for not being a man because why would we even want to when we’re women!

This goes for both men and women respectively,
If you’re educated enough to drive then you’re educated enough to respect one another.
If you’re educated enough to drive then you’re educated enough to embrace your rights with confidence!

[This article was solely based on personal observations and experiences not targeting any specific gender or group. So please read if you want to and ignore if you want to. Agree or Disagree. As for criticism there’s no cure for that yet! Also, I do not own the copyrights of the images used.]